Studio Metapo
스튜디오 메타포는 영화, 실감, 가상세계,VR, AR, XR을 통해 애니메이션, 게임을 만듭니다.
메타 세계로 이어지는 작은 틈으로 우리는 두 개의 세계를 상상해 봅니다.
My Name Is O-90 Oculus Quest XR 6Dof 3D Animation Film, 2023
Both the Wizard of Oz and Pinocchio are non-human entities with human hearts. I imagined an eternal heart that was programmed just a bit differently. O-90 is a robot dog that is programmed to have strong belief. The XR animation My Name is O-90 is a fairy tale about belief shown through the character of an abandoned robot dog, and a conversation that is played out over a journey. It examines the emotions of loyalty, love and memory through the changing relationship between humans and an aging device.

Their Own Ways 36', Documentary Film,, 2023
Offical selection, 15th DMZ International Documentary Film Festival, 2023
The physical isolation provided by the location creates decay. This artwork is structured in a way that reveals the unique social network based on Jeju and the specificity bestowed by its geographical position as an island. The island tames isolation in a different form from the mainland. In chance encounters and unexpected brief conversations, we discover moments when women are isolated from society and humans are isolated from the community. Through the emotions of resignation that were once taken for granted or led to "it can't be helped," and the connection between the artist's desire and guilt revealed through cutting trees, it delves into another form of social isolation.

Tree Buried in the Name of Forest Immersive Audiovisual Installation 2021
Tree Buried in the Name of Forest is a representation of aspects such as poor artificiality and emotional delusion through a series
of images. Its digital images of Saryeoni Forest generate an optical illusion of movement. Those images of this grove convey the sound of water and waves. And then they are instantly converted into a forest. In this work, virtual images going beyond actual ones demonstrate inner space and time. A stray tree asks after us who are left behind in this land. Is one who lost their way one who has settled down?
Or, is one who lost their way one who is uprooted and drifts away?
A forest stretches out: it becomes a dot or disappears. The subject of appreciation is turned into sound at the moment images of every object disappear from the place of a forest.
2022 The winner Best Experimental, Toronto International Women Film Festival, Canada, 2022
2022 Official Seclection, Montreal Independent Film Festival, Canada
2022 22nd Seoul International ALT Cinema & Media Festival
2021 [Fascination of emptiness : Correlationship between isolation and solitude], Jeju Museum of
Contemporary Art, Jejudo, Korea
2021 Immersive Audiovisual Installation, Public Storage for Artworks, Jejudo, Korea

Fatigue : Missing pieces Digitally augmented projection sculpture, installation, sound, projection, 2021
The root of a dead tree found on Marado Island was carried to the museum. This tree has been an individual whose roots and boughs are separated. Are we living an organic life in our society? This flow is linked to the tree carried from Marado in projection mapping in order to showcase a connected network, control of movements, and severed images incongruous with images symbolic of an almost perfect distribution network in our society.
2021 [Fascination of emptiness : Correlationship between isolation and solitude], Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jejudo, Korea
Aura Room Laser Beam Projection 2021
A room is made within a room, and laser light is trapped
in a monitor. Light is in both darkness and quietude.
Light was regarded as a material without weight, prejudice,
or presence as well as something that can best represent
the allure of the void.
The direction of light heading somewhere represents
the movement and severance of relationships in society,
a continuous flow of closure, and 'me confined to a space.
2021 [Fascination of emptiness : Correlationship between isolation and solitude], Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jejudo, Korea

Another World 3'44'', Anamorphic illusions 2022
“그러니까. 이 세계에서 나가야겠어.”라는 말이 들려오는 것 같았다.
도시의 풍경을 가로지르면 그 안에는 다양한 공기가 공존한다.도시 안을 채우고 있는 풍경은 허전하다.벌의 시선으로 다시 만난 세계가 화면 안에서 밖으로 펼쳐진다.
2022 대한민국 역사박물관 외벽 '광화벽화'

Unknown World Vive 6dof, Interactive Virtual Reality, 9’, 2020
Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is
-Wallace Stevens-
In [Unknown world] project, We asked How did we come to exist? What is the purpose of our life? From the simplest being (bacteria) to the most complex being (human).
The repetitive rule of life for all beings. By observing the flow of life and discovering the commonality, we discovered the life cycle like Movement and expansion,
alienation and then extinction.
· 넥슨컴퓨터 박물관 V Reality Opencall 수상, 제주, 한국, 2020 | [언노운 월드]
2021 winner Nexon Computer Museum OPEN CALL V Reality | [Unkown World]

City Rhythm Matrix, Data Visualization + Video, Sound Installation 2018
Seoul is alive, a city bustling with eager people in their twenties. But where are the old people? Hardly any people in their sixties are ever sighted.
Even more, the long-term foreign residents rarely show any movement, as if they are anchored to a specific location.
As you can see on the screen, the numbers, the movements and the dots are all of us. They represent ourselves.
A myriad of data embodies the movements within the city.
The three-dimensional images of the dots seem to take on the form of particles drifting across outer space.
Let’s assume that these dots indicate the movements of the people living in Seoul.
This world of numbers before us has the immense power to draw us into the world of data in a moment, and so transfixed by it, we are left looking into it for quite some time.
Is this because data is the product of a very real phenomenon?
- The Winner of Prix Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria 2019
[City Rhythm],the honorary mention at the 2019 Prix Ars Electronica

Decalcomanie Oculus, Vive, 6dof, Interactive Virtual Reality, 33’, 2019
Two different lives that resembles perfectly
- 18th Florence Korea Film Fest (FKFF 2020), Florence in Tuscany Region, Italy 2021
- 24th Busan International Film Festival, Busan, Korea 2019 (Best Picture 2019)
- MENTION SPÉCIALE DU JURY 심사위원상, Le palmarès la quatrième édition du 360 Film Festival
SATIS Screen4All 360 Film Festival, Paris, France, 2019
- The 13th Frankfurt International LICHTER Film Festival, Frankfurt , Germany

Lost 3D Animation, Film 2019
Departing from the boundless universe of data, we set our foot on one narrow street of Seoul. It felt even smaller than a dot. We may seem to be lonely beings that stand in the middle of the city, lost, without any inclination of where to go or how to get to another place.
- 2020 18th Florence Korea Film Fest, Italy
the film “Flowerpot” to our festival in Short Film Section Florence Korea Film Fest
- 몬트리올 국제 애니메이션 필름페스티벌, 심사위원상 수상, 몬트리올, 캐나다
2020 Montreal International Animation Film Festival, [Lost], Special Mention, Montra Canada
- 2019 International festival dedicated to short festival in 3D stereoscopic format, Angoulême France
Presented at International Short Film Festival in Clermont Ferrand and Interfilm Berlin
- 2019 Canadian & International Short Film Fest, Canada
Award winner of Canada Shorts, Mary Oland Theatre of the New Brunswick Museum, Canada
- 2019 11th Seoul International Extreme - Short Image & Film Festival

Urban Desire Documantary Film, 60', 2015-2019
Urban Desire: Life - the Visual Metaphor for Observing the City
I thought about the multiple meanings of the space called home, the implicative aspect of the space called the city, the meaning of living in it, and the flow of life that is determined regardless of the initial intention even though the planned city was formed for the purpose of the human.
So, I gathered images that best represent the ways that urban societies function, and that architecture influences cities and their causal relationship.
Guryong village, comprised of short childhood memories about the undeveloped space,
I looked into the repetitive flow and the same type of urban planning found in the disappearing reconstructed space, such as the newly built apartments in Dunchon KNHC Apartment or the newly built apartment buildings in the Eunpyeong District.
In the meantime, I didn't want to miss the worries of the people that had been buried, the idea of moving, home, ownership and renting, and the sad emotions that stem from them all.
Along the way, I encountered moments when I wondered, whose plan was it, when the mechanism of the city that constantly moves in one direction, and everything from the distance to the traffic are all planned processes.
There was a moment when the forgotten memories, the flow of the air, and the time that has disappeared came in the name of 'X (exist) being' and that comforts me.
I wanted to ask questions about the disappearing places, and the time that disappears along with them.
I wondered whether I could interpret memory, time, and space as a being.
Hopefully, it renders the people the time to ask those questions themselves.
- The 19th Seoul International NewMedia Festival 2019
- Selected Museum Collections · National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, 2019

Drive Documantary Film, 18', 2021
Connecting the countless moments of choice and decisions, It becomes a new way of living together among people. [Drive] expressed the confession of the time experienced through the space that the artist has passed in the process of preparing a documentary work.
2021 [Fascination of emptiness : Correlationship between isolation and solitude], Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jejudo, Korea

Their Own Ways Documantary Film, 36', 2021
This is a documentary video composed of From Mara to Jeju, Chaguido, Missing pieces. etc. It is intended to look into time in Marado, its characteristics and emotional isolation while capturing the process by which dead tree roots in Marado were brought to the museum’s gallery. This film asks questions such as, ‘Is the sea a terror to us?’ ‘Is loneliness beautiful?’ and ‘ Does isolation bring about impoverishment?’ from perspectives that are connected to many places.
In an accidental meeting, and a short conversation, we discover the moment when women are isolated from society, or the moment of personal isolation from the community. This work looked into another form of social isolation through the connection between the feeling of giving up, or leading to 'it is unavoidable'. And what we feel in the dry root that it left behind is translocation and isolated time.
2021 [Fascination of emptiness : Correlationship between isolation and solitude], Jeju Museum of Contemporary Art, Jejudo, Korea

NO BOUNDARY : HERE and anywhere Performance, 24', 2019
Emportement dans le paysage, voyage sans intéraire figé, musique répétive avec aigus, la mer toujours revenir. Emportement avec où toujours recommencée et où toujours revenir. Emportement avec le texte qui, s'inscrivant dans le champ, apporte un autre signe esthétique puisique sinogramme après sinogramme, il se fait là, et, puisqu'il ne néglige pas sa traduction, il apporte la possible compréhension de la langue de l'autre avec, en explicit, un autre plasir, celui d'entendre la musicalité d'une langue moins fréquente - le japonais. Emportement des musiques du violoncelle et de la flûte d'ici, au gayageum et au daegeum coréens - cithare à douze cordes et grand flûte travesière - et du tambour asiatique. Emportement du plan avec des prise de vue de maison, d'immeubles, de montagens mais aussi des images de synthèse de montagnes avec tigre, de bambous brillants entre lesquels flottent d'improbables poissons rouge. Emportement de livre et autre objets proches d'une énorme tortue colorée traverant le champ sans contraintes ou de crabes facétieux venus des quatre directions, pas de distintion de l'ordre des vivants ni de créations des hommes ; tout participe au monde, au monde désormais mixte en image référentielle ou calaulées.
Le film dit ce monde rêve ; il se vit, se voit, s'entend dans l'effacement des frontières en un poème fillique.
- director & curator of Traverse Video Festival Toulouse, Silmone Dompeyre -
- 2020 No Boundary on Sunday, Abattoirs Museum - FRAC Occitannie, France
- 2019 No Boundary | 無經界 | 여기 그리고 어디라도, Performance, National Gugak Center, Umyeon-dang
- 2018 No Boundary | 無經界 | 여기 그리고 어디라도, Performance, Korea Creative Content Agency Multi TestBed, Stage66, Korea