Ai Robot Dog, O-90
We create AI Robot Dog 'O-90' characters

My Name Is O-90
" It's true. "
" I've been abandoned. "

My Name Is O-90
In the year 2047, the robot dog O-90 equipped with artificial intelligence wanders the alleys, having been abandoned.

My Name Is O-90
오즈의 마법사도, 피노키오도, 사람의 마음을 품은 비인간이었다. 조금 다르게 프로그래밍된 한결같은 마음을 상상했다. 로봇개 오구공은 믿음이 강력하게 프로그래밍된 로봇개이다.

My Name Is O-90
In the year 2047, the robot dog O-90 equipped with artificial intelligence wanders the alleys, having been abandoned.

My Name Is O-90
" I was new once too, but now I'm old."

My Name Is O-90
he number of abandoned robots continue to multiply, and among those disposed of robot dogs and cats, there are some who lead a semi-permanent existence by stealing the city’s power.

My Name Is O-90
XR애니메이션 은 유기 로봇개 이라는 캐릭터를 통해, 믿음을 주제로 하는 동화, 여정을 통한 대화, 사람과 낡은 기계와의 관계 변화를 통해 신의, 사랑, 기억의 감정을 담고자 했다.

My Name Is O-90
he number of abandoned robots continue to multiply, and among those disposed of robot dogs and cats, there are some who lead a semi-permanent existence by stealing the city’s power.

My Name Is O-90
" Is that why it is? "
" Nobody looks for me now. "

My Name Is O-90
For many years, O-90 too has wandered the city, seeking out recharging cables that allow him to steal energy.

My Name Is O-90
오구공, 로봇 따위가 기억을, 마음을, 애정을 학습하고 바라게 되었다.

My Name Is O-90
For many years, O-90 too has wandered the city, seeking out recharging cables that allow him to steal energy.